The Energy Museum

Client: The Siberian Generating Company LLC

Exposition surface
79 square meters

Year: 2021
City: Krasnoyarsk
  • concept creation
  • project design
  • production and installation
Goals achieved:
The interactive exposition answers the following questions:
  • what the main energy terms and laws are  
  • how energy is stored on Earth
  • how we extract and transform raw materials
  • how the energy system of Krasnoyarsk Territory works, and why it is so important for the region’s development

The exhibition area is divided into three units: Outer Space, The Earth, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The Outer Space unit explains the notion of energy and shows how fundamental energy laws work.

The Earth unit demonstrates different sources of energy. Here you can learn about the principles that helped people extract energy, transform it to the thermal and electric types and exploit it for our benefit.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory unit. The model of the heat and electric energy system of Krasnoyarsk Territory shows its complicated but secure operation.