The Planet Earth 

Client: The Warming Hearts, the charitable organization of The Siberian Generating Company LLC
>70 000 visitors
Years: 2017, 2018, 2019
Cities: Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Chernogorsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk
  • concept creation
  • program development
  • arrangements with schools and scheduling
  • execution of the program
Goals achieved
The Planet Earth program answers a lot of exciting questions:
  • why carbon became the essential chemical element for various life forms on Earth
  • how ancient plants transformed into minerals
  • how humans learnt to extract energy from minerals
  • the key points of the industrial revolution and human evolution
The program includes two parts:
  • The interactive exhibition talks about the unique characteristics of carbon, the first machines of hydrocarbon energy, and modern facilities provided by it. In addition, visitors can try on the role of boiler room operator in a thermal power station and adjust fuel delivery to the boiler according to the temperature outside.
  • The Energy of Centuries lecture and demonstration – some spectacular experiments accompany the narration about:
  • various forms of energy
  • methods of its extraction and transformation
  • ways of its efficient use in everyday life