Exhibition "Gold is Nearby"

Customer: Polyus PJSC
Implementation year – 2022
Exposition area: 40 sq.m.
Production and installation of exposition
The museum guests will learn about the origin of the precious metal, its role in the development of mankind, its use in modern IT technologies, the harsh life of Siberian gold miners of the past, and the latest solutions that are used in the gold mining industry today.

The exhibition presents ore samples from the Polyus deposits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The model of the largest gold mining quarry in Russia with elaborate mining equipment gives an idea of the scale of modern gold mining. There is also an interactive model of a drum-ball mill for grinding ore: using sugar, it demonstrates the process of grinding a solid material into powder.

The scientific concept of the exhibition and its visual style were developed by specialists from the Polytechnic Museum.